Plasticities Sciences Arts

Access the PSA Website in English and in other languages by clicking on the Google translator located at the bottom of the page.

PLASTIR TD Review: Pay attention : the PDF of the author’s papers could be in English or in French. French papers are not translated in english, only the synopsis and the abstracts : PLASTIR. The original papers are directly accessible by clicking the issue of the journal concerned in the contents.

Warning : PLASTIR is incorrectly translated PLASTING by the Google automatic translator)

Main PSA Objectives: The PSA research group aims at opening new fields of interaction between sciences, arts and humanities. The group has its origins in 1994 when it established a Transdisciplinary network of researchers focusing on the nature of evolutionary processes. The identity of the group is founded on both knowledge and human experience as on the suggestion of the concept of plasticity. The latter is considered to be the basic principle underlying the organization of any life form, art or idea.

The Concept of Plasticity : What does mean plasticity ? Which is the role of the Plasticians ?

Some words about the originality of our approach : We present the concept of plasticity as a new epistemological paradigm. An opened, transverse attitude opposing to the fragmentation of reality.

By our actions we foster:

– the rise of discoveries at the frontiers of their own discipline.
– any research work of transdisciplinary nature.
– the achievement of projects in science and epistemology.
– the questioning of the relationship between arts and science.
– considerations concerning the future of humanity, the foundations of thought or the various modes of apprehension of knowledge.
– creativity in all forms.

Our three key-words: Plasticity, Art & Science, Transdisciplinarity.

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