Plastir Number 11 – 06/2008

CARL FRIEDRICH VON WEIZSÄCKER, THE GREAT THINKER OF THE WHOLE Ilke ANGELA MARECHAL, writer, journalist and translator is located at the borders between science, art and knowledge (see PLASTIR n°5). She produces a series of radiophonic talks (Epectase) on Aligre FM which are now diffused on her Art & Science…

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Plastir Number 12 – 09/2008

AN «AESTHETIC» EXPLANATION FOR THE SYMMETRY OF ACHEULIAN HANDAXES: SOME NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL INSIGHTS Derek HODGSON is an eminent specialist in paleoanthropology and evolutionary neuropsychology at the University of York. He explores since many years cross pathways such as cognitive archaeology, paleoneurology and paleoart, penetrating in deep a new era integrating forgotten knowledge…

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