Plastir Number 5 – 12/2006

SCIENCE AND ART : AT THE DOORS OF THE INTERIOR SPACE Ilke ANGELA MARECHAL is a writer, poet and translator. She is an in particular author of « Sciences and Imaginary » (Albin Michel, 1994) and translated the book of Marie-Louise Von Franz « Matter and Psyche » (Albin Michel, 2002). She was also produced…

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Plastir Number 6 – 03/2007

MUSICALITY OF THE PLASTIC WORK OF VICTOR VASARELY Frédéric ROSSILLE is a neurologist, a researcher, a composer and the PSA’s general secretary. After researches done in cognitive sciences of the music, in particular with the INA-GRM and the IRCAM and studies in several national schools of music, he has decide…

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