Plastir Number 1 – 06/2005

THE NON-MODEL AND ITS MODELS : EXAMPLE OF THE MODEL OF THE REGULATION OF THE AGO-ANTAGONIST COUPLES  – FIRST PART : FROM THE EGYPTIANS TO LUTHER Elie BERNARD-WEIL is professor of Medicine at the College Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrièrei  and the member of the AFSCET. He led interdisciplinary debates on the theme Praxis and…

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Plastir Number 2 – 11/2005

ARTISTIC CONCEPT OF MULTISENSORIAL COURSES FOR DISABLED PEOPLE Isabelle CHEMIN is a plastician artist. She has contributed to numerous multimedia projects and exhibitions. This contribution needs to be introduced, because it is not a philosophical paper but the realization of a concrete inter- or even transdisciplinary project which articulates plasticity…

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