
For an Intl. TD Chair– Publication of the book : « For an International Transdisciplinary Chair: About the Dialogue Between Culture and Technoscience« . ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher. Contributed by M-W. Debono: (« Transdisciplinarity and human plasticity Chap 2. 37-57). All the contents of the book are in Open Access at:…

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Annonces d’évènements

– For an International Transdisciplinary Chair – About the dialogue between technoscience and culture : Online Open Symposium, CIRET 21-22 March 2024. – Colloque/Table Ronde: « L’expérience de la Joie« , Domaine départemental de Chamarande, le 10 Novembre 2023. Temps fort de la biennale La Science de l’Art. Entrée gratuite sur inscription…

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