Plastir Number 28 – 09/2012

BIOSEMANTICS Kaled AIT HAMOU is a researcher in biosemantics and was director of the department of linguistics at the University of Abidjan from 1982 to 1990. His published works include ‘Structure and typology of quantification in natural language’, Vol. 36, Fayard, 1979, which has recently been digitized by the University…

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Plastir Number 29 – 12/2012

PLASTIC SEMIOTICS AND MUSICAL PRACTICE AT THE RISK OF PLASTICITY Frederic MATHEVET is a researcher associated to the ACT (UMR 8218) at Paris I (National Center for Scientific Research). Doctor in arts, he is co-editor-in-chief of the on-line magazine “The other Music » and of the laboratory of the same name…

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